With recent news of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) we want to reassure you that we are taking all possible precautions to protect our office, clients and debtors during the outbreak and provide some information on the steps we are taking.
Our Staff
We are regularly reviewing updates from Public Health England and providing information to our staff on how to reduce the risk of infection.
We have increased our number of lap tops and mobile phones so that staff will be able to work from home, and with effect from Monday 23rd March we will be operating a reduced office. Our staff will be on a new rota of both home and office working. Home working staff should be able to operate on a business as usual basis.
We have advised client facing to staff to ensure all meetings are via phone or email.
Any information provided by debtors/customers suggesting they are affected by Covid-19 will be specifically flagged by our well briefed team. The matter will be put on hold for 30 days and at the end of the holding period we will schedule to make contact with the customer again in order to thoroughly review their affordability in relation to how their personal circumstances are affecting their ability to repay their debts.
The flags will not only provide some help to affected customers by giving them some breathing space but will also help LRC to be able to identify how many cases are specifically on hold due to this growing issue and to what degree further considerations may have to be implemented in relation to their repayments.
External Agents
Our external agents are monitoring numbers of COVID-19 cases across the UK and Overseas. Face to face visits may need to be placed on hold, although collections via phone, letter, email and SMS text will continue.
Court Hearings
Can we ask you to review with some urgency your outstanding instructions, especially cases with court hearings ahead and compile any relevant evidence at your earliest opportunity? The Courts have so far said that it’s business as usual, but we will of course be monitoring this situation daily.
Debt Manager Log In
If you are working from home and need a reminder of your log in details for debt manager, please email: clientservices@legalrecoveries.com
When emailing the office, please use the team email addresses rather than (or as well as) individual ones, just to ensure that your email gets dealt with swiftly if the member of staff you are emailing is not available.
Legal: legalteam@legalrecoveries.com
Pre Legal: recoveriesteam@legalrecoveries.com
Client Services: clientservices@legalrecoveries.com
Finance: finance@legalrecoveries.com
IT: it@legalrecoveries.com
We will endeavour to keep you updated with any significant changes. Please do not hesitate to contact client services with any concerns.